domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2012

I want a Floating Architecture

The film presents a lecture by Marko Brajovic, Croatian architect graduated in Venice and Barcelona. Brajovic now lives in Brazil, where he works on applying the ideas of biomimetics into architecture. Thanks to several projects in the Amazon forest, the architect is particularly fascinated in bamboo and in impact of this free material which has extremely rapid growth. In this lecture Brajovic talks about his experience with floating architecture.
Info iturria

Ikuspegi interesgarria eskaintzen du Marko Brajovic-ek. Programa moldagarria izango duen arkitektura flotatzaile baten inguruan ari da. Proposatutako antzoki/zinema/erakustokia itsasontzi egitura baten gainean eraikitzen da, honek mugimendua eskaitzen diolarik, toki desberdinetara joan, kulturak nahastu ...

*Subtituluak hainbat hizkuntzatan jartzeko aukera dago!

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